Extra Ordinary

By PhilippaJ

Pool day

Gorgeous day of just being by the pool. I say day, it was nearly midday before we had breakfasted and I had done my concierge bookings for the day (car and dinner booking for tomorrow). So in fact a gorgeous afternoon of just being by the pool. I got all caught up on Duolingo, read a bit, swam a bit and then played cards with my mum. Then Clare and I set forth to the delightfully named Drinkies for new wine. It’s just across the road from the hotel but quite a challenging road to actually get across and not get run over. 100% success though both ways and six bottles of wine bought for £25 so a good outing. Including coming back to the hotel, they have little bag scanning machines like at airports in the entrance. My bag with bottles went through without any issues, Clare’s fell over a bit with very loud bottle clanking, like winos we were.

Then out to The Paprika restaurant, last visited sometime 40 odd years ago. Now run by the daughter of the owner at the time, she was ever so disappointed we didn’t finish every bit of food. But happy to see the menu we found during a recent Loft Club from 1977, we left it with her.

Last night in this hotel before going to stay by the pyramids from tomorrow in a hotel I still can’t quite believe we are going to be actually staying at.

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