From Tiny Pips.....

This is our very first apple tree!!
A couple of weeks ago I planted a couple of pips in the pot that my sunflower failed to grow in. I didn't have high hopes!
But a few days ago a tiny shoot appeared and Miss E is giddy to have an apple tree of her own. She wants to plant it in the front garden and is looking forward to picking apples from it in Autumn!!
I've had a painful day today. This morning I was having a stretch and I felt my neck do the thing it does which means I can't move it for the best part of a week. Marvelous.
It's agonisingly painful and immobilising which is just the thing when you've got two small children.
It used to happen a couple of times a year now it seems to be happening every month or so which is annoying. Maybe carrying Miss L around is aggravating it as she gets bigger?
Anyway I finally admitted defeat and called a physio in Winslow and made an appointment for tomorrow morning.
Then I remembered I'm taking Miss L to the theatre tomorrow morning to see The Gruffalo's Child.
So I rang and cancelled and she was supposed to ring me back to rearrange for Thursday. She didn't!
Why can't anything be easy?
Speaking of which, I sat in all afternoon waiting for a delivery. When they hadn't turmed up by the time I had to go and get Miss E I tracked the order on the courier's website: We were unable to locate your address
What? It's a lane with about ten houses on it. And the house has a big sign with the name on!
And have they never heard of a phone?
I tried calling but an automated system kept asking me for the reference on the card that had been left.
At the address that they couldn't bloody locate!!!

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