Here Come The Ducks!

I have had a tiring day!
It started off with a brisk four mile walk around Caldecotte Lake in Milton Keynes with Mrs M.
It was lovely. Perfect weather and good company.
I wore inappropriate footwear and now have a few blisters but I'll know better next time!
11,500 steps today, woohoo!
Although Mrs M is scaring me now with talk of lycra and added weights.....
After that I went and did a spot of mystery shopping and headed home for an hour or two of lounging around.
And resting my sore feet.
Then it was the usual Wednesday rush to get Miss E from school to gymnastics, from gymnastics to McDonalds and from McDonalds to home.
The journey home was hideous. She kept fiddling with all the dials and air vents, her seatbelt, the air conditioning, the sun visor, the glove box, the sat nav.....
Oh my God.
It's a good job there is no ejector seat button otherwise I might have had to have a fiddle with that!

Happy Birthday to Mrs T in New Zealand. She posted a video on Facebook today of the moment she walked into a room and saw her mum for the first time in six years. Her husband had arranged it as a surprise. It was amazing - made me bawl!!

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