
A very disappointing day for Smithers. After he was given his general anaesthetic this morning his blood pressure went up and his heart rate was irregular, so the decision was taken not to proceed with the operation. He was stablised and brought round from the anaesthetic, then taken to the recovery ward. Some cardiac investigations will take place to establish why this happened. 

He is currently in Intensive Care because there is no bed available for him in a normal hospital ward. He will be there overnight, for which I’m very grateful, not only because it’s much quieter, so he should get some sleep, but also because he is being given one-to-one nursing care, which is amazing. He will no doubt be moved to a ward tomorrow.

I spoke to him around 2.00 pm and he sounded as though he was coping amazingly well with all the disappointment and uncertainty. I confess I then crashed out on the bed for an hour and a half, feeling utterly exhausted. Our eldest son, who took him in to the hospital at 7.00 am and stayed with him until mid afternoon, is now cooking supper, which will be another recipe from the Hello Fresh cookery book. 

I'm praying for strength for Smithers, and I'm so grateful for the strength of my sons, who are supporting me so amazingly well. This little statue of Discobolus, by the way, we bought 52 years ago on our honeymoon in Greece.

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