Trichodes ornatus

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Thank you all for the comments and stars n' stuff on my bee beetle of yesterday - much appreciated!

Trichodes ornatus (Clerinae)

You can see the size of the beetle as it is on a small daisy - a good measure of scale.

Cleridae are a family of beetles of the superfamily Cleroidea. They are commonly known as checkered beetles. The Cleridae family has a worldwide distribution, and a variety of habitats and feeding preferences. Wikipedia

Today it was warm, so I got the combi out and went to the office in that - it's a happy mobile, as when I pass people in it they wave and smile ... which is nice...

Tomorrow it's going to very warm, running up to a weekend which will be hot - tipping the 30°c mark - retrospectively, I will say that it has been worth waiting for.

It was nice watching honourable son N°2's rugby training without rain, snown frost, fog or snow .... oh it has been a long winter ...

Hope your Tuesday was good.

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