By lizzie_birkett


…was the prompt for Inktober today.
We had to go to the boat this morning as the Safety Inspector came. He has to check everything, Gas, Electricity, smoke alarms and Co2 monitor,
fire extinguishers, the gas cooker and the heating stove. It takes about an hour and costs 200 quid. Well worth it to be safe though. He’s a really nice man, we chatted about canal life. He told us of an incident where somebody was using a generator on the back of his boat and the fumes went into the boat behind and the woman in there died of Co2 poisoning.
How awful, we often see boats on the canal with generators running for ages. The noise is actually very annoying and the fumes are so bad for the environment.
 I need to pack my bag for my trip up to Scotland tomorrow. There will be a lot of to and fro happening. I’ll be going to Melanie’s first as it is will be her birthday and then Sabrina is picking us up and taking us back to theirs for our tea. I will stay at Sabrina’s overnight as I am babysitting on Saturday while they go to a wedding.
Then on Sunday back to Melanie’s as on Monday she and I are going to Edinburgh to the Grayson Perry exhibition.
There will also no doubt be DIY jobs to do. We have to build some book shelves that she’s ordered from IKEA and also a wooden kitchen trolley.

Anyway must go and get packing!

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