Up, up and away...
The apocalyptic effect is unintended, but that's what shooting (nearly) into the sun will get you. Today finally was the big day for the kids at school (big class) to send their balloon into space. No, really. Or, at least, nearly. The Cité d'Espace in Toulouse is doing a project with schools where they can send a balloon up into the upper atmosphere (or really, really high anyway) to take photos, temperature readings and so forth. It's been a huge project for the class and they have all learned a huge amount about science, maths and engineering through it.
My photos are a bit rubbish really - it went up way quicker than I was expecting (though with five tanks of helium inside it I should have expected speed) and we were all a bit shocked by half the equipment dangling below it falling off after a few seconds. It was supposed to fall off - a bit later - but the boy in charge of correct attachment later discovered the hook for properly attaching it in his pocket. So they all learned something about teamwork I think. A team of folk from the Cité d'Espace then went racing off to track it with GPS to see where it lands, and the kids will get to review what happened to it on Thursday when they're back in school. It was rather a big deal, with the whole school including the nursery kids turning out. Parents were not really encouraged to be there (though since a few of us asked really nicely we were allowed) as on one such event in Toulouse the police had had to be involved to keep the crowds back. No such danger today as we stood on the 'rugby pitch' - up to our oxters in grass...
In other news, some blip-blabber (you know who you are) has told Mr B about my unauthorised building in the garden. However, he seems relatively content that I have not broken any of his tools, and have taken one thing off his so-long-he-daren't-write-it-down to do list.
And the fish are still not dead. They rush to the nearest corner to me when I come in the room. I like to pretend it's affection, but I know they just want food.
And (hurrrah) the huge monstrous lump on my head has finally gone away. I have a strange reaction to mosquito bites and since Saturday have had an elephant man-like swollen forehead. But now it just looks like a spot, which is much easier to deal with. I have a similar one on my arm. But that just makes it look like I have an overdeveloped triceps muscle. Which is ok by me.
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