In Repair

I shut the microwave door yesterday and thought it sounded a bit strange. Closer investigation revealed that the front glass panel was hanging on by a thread. The door was not too difficult to remove, but the fact that the glass was fully detached by the time I’d finished is an indication that I’d got to it just in time. Wouldn’t like to have seen the consequences of it falling off on to the granite worktop. I couldn’t see a replacement door available on any of the usual spares sites, so no option but to glue the glass back on. I’ve given the glue a good 24 hours to cure, and it seems to to have stuck so I’ll put the door back on and hope for the best.
And, as you can see, it’s sitting on top of the newly delivered replacement dishwasher. Not sure I’ll have a chance to install it before next week, but at least it’s on site now. The best news today is that the plumber has been. The boiler has been serviced and the tap no longer leaks - hurray! Unfortunately, there were a couple of small issues he couldn’t fix, but they’re not that bad and can probably wait until we have the bathroom done in the next couple of years.
The fire is still to be serviced though. Our chap “doesn’t do fires!” so one of the other lads will call to do that in the next week or so. As we’re not planning on turning the gas fire on any time soon, I can live with that.
We even managed to cut down a fair bit of stuff in the garden that was getting out of hand. But then the rain came down and put an end to that. Still quite pleased with what we’d cleared though.
And just to round the day off, I went to the gym. I think my cold must still be lingering, as it was quite hard work, but I’m glad I went.
I might unwrap the new dishwasher tomorrow, just to get an idea of what I will need when it comes to actually installing it.

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