
By ayearinthelife

Double Barrel

No, I have not acquired a weird tattoo. Nor is this an alternative form of the Rorschach Ink Blot test. Though, if it was, you can clearly see that it represents Beelzebub and all his minions dancing in the fires of hell, can’t you? No? Just me then.
The more prosaic truth is that I am going to be dyeing my beard next week. Not for reasons of vanity you understand, but to avoid having to apply makeup to my grey whiskers every night when I am performing in Blackadder. I was just going to slap the dye on next week, but the instruction leaflet contained dire warnings about the importance of doing a skin test first, so I thought I’d err on the side of caution. It was only supposed to be one small patch but I didn’t let it dry properly before bending my arm, so ended up with two patches!
So far, no reaction to the dye. That’s not to say my arm isn’t aching though. Today was Covid and Flu jab day - one in each arm. Usual slick process at the GP Surgery and I was in and out within a minute of my scheduled time. Then I went straight to the gym to pump some iron, in the hope it would stop my arms seizing up. As I said, there is an ache now, but whether that’s due to the jabs, the patch test or plain old muscle fatigue, I can’t say.
Assuming no side effects have developed by tomorrow night, I will be able to apply the dye fully on Monday. Watch out for the relevant blip in due course…

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