campervan man

By campervan

Musical Interlude

Took a man and his wife to hospital today as a hospice volunteer driver. His appointment was 2 hours plus, normally I would drive into Kings Lynn and have a walk with the camera. Today I decided to wait at the hospital and wandered around looking for blips. It was a bit cold and damp so the walk was not a long one
Stopped in one of the coffee bars to warm up and read my kindle. A chap was playing this as I sat down and he carried on for a good 20 minutes. He had a wide range of tunes, mostly modern, I recognised the majority. His playing was not perfect but this, in a way, enhanced the performance. When he got up I saw he had a staff badge on. Presumably he used his tea break to entertain. A good man

I think I am getting even more cynical about our "leaders". The charade about HS2 is finally over after two weeks of "no decisions have been made" they eventually admit it is being scrapped. I only mention this as I got very irritated at the posters all over the hospital announcing the government is funding a new hospital. What they do not mention is the existing hospitals life expectation was about 30 years ( bubbly concrete) and this expired in the 1990's. Its been passed its sell by date by over a quarter of a century. There are currently over 4394 (as of May this year) steel and timber props holding up the ceilings in many areas, including the maternity ward. Funding has been denied for at least the last10 years. It must annoy the staff who have had to work in these conditions for so long to see these self congratulatory posters all over the place. It certainly annoyed me.

Sorry about the rant, I feel better now. Maybe I should stick to Macro or Micro pictures in future

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