Capo Milazzo

I was sad to leave beautiful Cefalù this morning, but we packed up and set off after a hearty breakfast. As it was a relatively long drive to our next destination (about 3.5hrs) I thought that we could break our journey at the Cape of Milazzo, a beauty spot overlooking the Aeolian Islands and with a hidden (allegedly) gem called the Pool of Venus. A natural rock pool, spilling out into the Tyrrhenian Sea with amazing green and blue water. It sounded idyllic and it was all of those things but unfortunately not so hidden. Our German friends had got there before us (in considerable numbers) and their towels were already down (apologies for peddling stereotypes). Mr P managed to slither down some big rocks and find another spot for a swim (he says it was amazing) but I was too woosy to follow suit. So even though the water looked divine (and because there was very little breeze today, I was sweating buckets) I walked (uphill) back to the bar to wait for Mr P.
We’re now in another guesthouse (also lovely but unfortunately no sea views) just south of Taormina. We’re very close to Etna (about 45 mins drive away) and we can see it looming large from the hotel. It’s bigger than I’d expected. We’d planned to go up it on a tour tomorrow but have opted to go on a cruise around Taormina, the blue grotto and the islands instead. I hope we won’t regret our decision.

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