Anno Dominae At Hill of Tarvit.

Another day of volunteering at the Mansionhouse. The weather forecast is for heavy rain on Saturday and Sunday. It is also raining today.

The House closes at the end of October. Another 3 Fridays of volunteering after today.

Visitor number todays are down, although one visitor is quite interested in the ‘radiation’ meters in some of the rooms.

The ‘radiation’ is ultraviolet light. Too much natural light can lead to damage of some of the contents.

Today’s entry shows sunlight striking across the date on the fireplace in the Great Hall.  The sunlight is unlikely to cause damage to the stonework. However, upholstered furniture and tapestry can be affected.

Dan has been taking photographs up inside the roof voids and is asking me for information about some of the structure he has come across.

He also shows me the winding gear for the ‘lift’ which was in the building. Now removed, but traces are visible.

I am sure that a large number of Architectural drawings of the building must be in existence. Something to investigate.

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