Brics dirgel
Brics dirgel ~ Mystery bricks
“People who look for symbolic meaning fail to grasp the inherent poetry and mystery of the images.”
― Rene Magritte
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Sylwais i bric hon ym mur mynwent eglwys y Sant Mair ychydig amser yn ôl. Mae'n dweud 'Seacome Ruabon'. Doeddwn i ddim yn sylwi ar y pryd eu bod nhw'n ar hyd y wal, wedi'u gwasgaru'n rheolaidd. Mae'n ddirgel i fi pam mae'r brics yn wal maen, a pham maen nhw'n gwasgaru'n rheolaidd ar ei hyd. Efallai roedden nhw’n helpu marcio'r lleoedd ar gyfer y beddau. Dydw i ddim yn gwybod.
Gwnes i ffeindio allan tipyn bach mwy am Seacome o Ruabon (Rhiwabon). "Thomas Seacome founded his brickworks at Delph Quarry, Acrefair near Ruabon in 1868. The brickworks were taken over by Wyndham and Phillips in 1883. Following closure in 1995 the site became an opencast coal and clay quarry.". Mae'n edrych fel roedd llawer o waith brics yn Ruabon yn y 19eg ganrif.
Tipyn bach o hanes, tipyn bach o ddirgel.
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I noticed this brick in the churchyard wall of St Mary's church a while ago. It says 'Seacome Ruabon'. I didn't notice at the time that they were all over the wall, spread out regularly. It is a mystery to me why the bricks are in a stone wall, and why they are regularly spaced along it. Perhaps they were helping to mark the places for the graves. I do not know.
I found out a little more about Seacome of Ruabon (Rhiwabon). "Thomas Seacome founded his brickworks at Delph Quarry, Acrefair near Ruabon in 1868. The brickworks were taken over by Wyndham and Phillips in 1883. Following closure in 1995 the site became an opencast coal and clay quarry.". It looks like there were a lot of brickworks in Ruabon in the 19th century.
A little bit of history, a little bit of mystery.
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Disgrifiad (Cymraeg): Bric mewn wal gerrig
Description (English): A brick in a stone wall
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