Live it loud!

By Lostpixel


Blip obtained on the way home after tonights club meeting. Five new members in the last couple of weeks and hopefully they will all return. I came away a little disappointed having drawn a complete blank in all three sections tonight. Thought I had a good chance with two images but there was lots of strong competition tonight. Next time!

Had a boost in the office today.

Having been asked to print and put some of the images I've taken around the site up on the walls of the office as I mentioned a few blips ago, I had someone come in today and he said he wants to propose that they be properly and professionally printed up even larger (twice A0! whatever that is) and used instead of the poorer (his words, not mine) corporate collateral that he has been given. I'd even get a credit (am sure I could get some payment but I'd rather see them up than haggle).

The downside is I can't see the marketing people agreeing since they spent a fortune putting up a helicopter to get aerial images at some of the key sites. Am hoping though.

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