Who Knew

I’m not normally a worrier and even worry might be too strong a definition. Having said my piece, “openly & honestly” as requested I now have to stand by and explain my comments and criticisms at tonight’s meeting.
In the meantime a haircut for Mrs S who had it cut shorter than in recent years, looks good and it will be easier to manage for work.
Haircut was preceded by an upmarket breakfast, bacon & egg croissant ‘sandwich’ with a flat white at a former pub, now a bakery, on the High Street. Very nice as well.
A few bits and pieces in the afternoon before the early evening meeting.
Attended by less than 50% of the membership it passed without any unpleasantness with most agreeing that things need to change. The inevitable ‘hot wash up’ which followed the meeting lasted for twice as long.
Dinner consisted of two packets of crisps and a ham salad sandwich.

Whilst down town I took today’s photo of Barracks Ope.
Barracks Ope is described as an historical archway built in the 17th century leading down the harbour and was once the entrance to the Royal Marine barracks.

I didn’t even know we once had a Royal Marins Barracks in Falmouth.
Every day is a school day.

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