An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

Happy lad...


We all had a slightly longer lie in this morning as S and M weren't heading off till noon.  This meant we had time to enjoy a full cooked breakfast and linger over coffee and more chat. 

D and I woke this morning to find the cistern in our bathroom taking forever to refill after it had been flushed.  Oh joy.  After organising a plumber (can't come till Saturday) he headed off to play golf at Leven.

Alan's support worker Christine was here today (to Alan's delight :-) and she made Alan (and me and D) very happy by confirming she will be here on Christmas Day.  This will be her eighth Christmas Day with us.  She's become part of the family :-)

I also introduced her to M as Christine is from Harris and M has a cousin and her family who live not far from Christine's mum.  Turns out they are neighbours and Christine's mum's best friends.  Their little girl was a flower girl at Christine's wedding.  It really is a small world.  

Waved S and M off just after midday Tidied the kitchen then started working on my crochet hexi cardi again.  

Finally got both halves joined and was able to try it on.  Hallelujah! ;-))  Despite being rather wonky (adds to the uniqueness of it ;-) it fits.  Not sure what that says about my shape!  

I had hoped that was it finished but my euphoria was short lived as I changed my mind about leaving the sleeves loose and decided they need a cuff.  Damn.  Back to the you tube tutorial and working on sleeve one.  I got as far as a row of crochet to draw the sleeve in and one round of cuff before my motivation drained away completely and I decided to  

D returned from golf and we decided we were both too lazy tired to cook so we got an Indian takeaway and watched rubbish tv.  Bliss :-)

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