Daisy had her annual vets trip…she went in all waggy until I put her on the table!!! All good.
Then we went on a long dog walk with her doggy mate Rupert…it was so hot we didn’t make the whole 5K walk. Heather and I then rewarded ourselves with a coffee and a pizza share.
This evening we went to a brilliant function for a little boy Harley who has Spinal muscular atrophy (the saddest thing is if in UK we included it’s screening in the baby heel prick test he could have been treated and possibly prevented from the awful disability he suffers.
His parents and grandparents worked so hard…it was fabulous. A 3 course meal…a magician and a DJ for £55 a ticket at a golf club and there were 2 auctions and a raffle with amazing prizes of golf, week in Santorini and more. The 3 photos at the bottom were from a Photo Booth where the camera spun round you and made a video. Such fun. I hope they raised loads.

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