It's A Minute To Midnight

By Draco

Not Well

Friday last week a girl came back to work with tonsillitis. She was in bed with it and got put on antibiotics. The weeks before that our boss had covid and I did think it was a miracle I didn’t get it.
Sunday however my throat started to feel like glass and I felt rough and saw white patches on back of throat. ( I had my tonsils out in my thirties)
Apparently you can still have it. I went in NHS app and the earliest I could get appointment at docs was Friday! So this morning I felt 10 times worse and phoned docs, got appointment for tomorrow at 8:40am. I didn’t get out of bed till 2pm today. Had to phone in work and chiropractor to cancel that appointment. I’m so p**** off as always something. After getting up my front tooth has been bleeding almost constantly.
Did two covid tests to be sure and both negative.
Heads about to explode
What a joy life is ….


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