It's A Minute To Midnight

By Draco

Identifying my Insects

As I’ve been off work with what now seems like a bad cold, I’m going through pics from my bugs that I am still going through and editing. It’s been like an old fashioned type of cold that I used to get donkeys years ago. It felt like razor blades cutting through my throat then it went to feeling like someone had hit me all over with a baseball bat then it triggered my allergy symptoms and last night I was hot and sneezing constantly with an itchy nose and today I’m exhausted and tired and all bunged up. I’ve took the docs advice and not taken any Sudafeds or nasal spray which he said can sometimes make things worse. I’m hoping the ice cold air at work (heating is waiting to be fixed) will keep me clear!
I’ve been keeping a check on the guys n girls at work and thankfully the lady who does my aisle perfectly is currently doing mine. So at least things won’t be in chaos when I return.
Having said that while I’ve not been at work my back and shoulder has been almost pain free. That doesn’t bode well for my next 17 years before I can retire lol
Oh well the joys!


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