Goldcrest #62

Thankfully we had a nice dry day for our trip to Lindisfarne/Holy Island. 
We did 5 miles walking around the island, visited the castle, and had a delicious Crab sandwich at a cafe for lunch. 
Despite there being an influx of warblers and other rarities reported yesterday and also today, we didn't see anything out of the ordinary in our list of 52 species, but we really enjoyed the day. To be honest, most of the rarities would have been chalked up as chiffchaffs or chaffinches as I have no idea what an Arctic or Radde's Warbler looks like. Although I do know what a Ring Ouzel looks like and apparently there were 23, yes 23 passing through yesterday - you'd have thought that one could have hung about for a day or two for us to see ;)
I'm posting this tiny little goldcrest, our smallest bird, as it was showing quite well from the hide and it's a while since I've posted one.  There are a few more birds in extras if you are interested - dunlin, wheatear and ringed plover. 

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