Light at the End of the Tunnel

Oh goodness me, goodness me. The Boss got a text message from T........... containing capitals and explanation marks after yesterdays Blip went up. As the British so aptly put this...Trouble at Works.....Hmmmmm?
The Boss may have to pop into the chemist for a bottle of high strength hair restorer but he has decided to wait for the kiss test. That's Keep It Simple Stupid...not the thing with mouths...Er may have that wrong but time will tell anyway...OK?

We were very tired this morning so while the garage fitted a couple of new ones (Tyres) to The Bossess car we went Blwarkies and got a number of really good candidates but at the end of the day The Boss was returning along the lake front and did his iPhone thing again so this is wot won.

There are only a couple of weeks in the whole year that it is unpleasant in Wanaka and that is when the inversion is in play. The cloud base sits a couple of hundred feet up and stays there all day and it is chilly. Walk above it and the sun will be shining. Look here
The sun is just starting to poke through but it was almost 5.00 pm so too late for anything except... the light at the end of the tunnel. So to bark.

Run quickly forward...opps wet feet.

Oh and sorry but commenting is delayed a bit 'Cos The Boss want's to watch an Apple Podcast tonight.

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