Living my dream

By Mima

Difficult no more?

Here is the “difficult” herbaceous bed, which I blipped about yesterday, at the end of the process to un-difficult it. Well, that’s the intention.

The weeding done, I spread a heap more compost all over it, concentrating on the areas immediately around the bamboos and two newly-planted buddlieas. Then I turned on the sprinkler for two hours to give the dry soil a really good soak.

Once the moisture had penetrated down a few centimetres I turned off the water and began to spread peastraw mulch in a thick layer. I didn’t have quite enough so I raided the bale I’d given the three older hens to make up the shortfall. They got a heap of weeds in return, so there were no complaints.

Finally the sprinkler went back on for an hour, to soak and weigh down the straw. We have some windy conditions forecast in a couple of days’ time and I really don’t want to be collecting peastraw from up the drive.

I’m really pleased to have got this done, because tomorrow I have to get back onto food production: the tomato and capsicum seedlings need potting on.

I did this work after lunch, having spent the morning helping in K’s garden…weeding and mulching! There’s a theme this week.

Bean has snoozed supervised the day away. How does she get her legs in these positions and look so comfortable? Extra.

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