By greengirl

Beauty Behind Doors

An exciting day at work - we had the "Good Morning" Team from ITV filming in the cafe, with Andi Peters interviewing Florence, one of our regular customers. Florence had invited all her friends to join her for breakfast and with catering for the TV crew as well, we were kept pretty busy. Staff and trainees didn't escape the glare of the cameras, as we were (briefly) filmed congratulating Lewis on his new job, which he starts  next month.

I also had my first look at an exhibition called "Beauty Behind Doors" which will be hanging on the walls of the cafe until the end of next week. The exhibition features the work of two local photographers, Margaret Elliott and David Moyes, whose subject is the interior of churches in Dumfries and Galloway. Margaret's photos are in mono, while David's are taken in colour with a wider angle lens. I highly recommend a visit to see the photographs, and they are all for sale with the profits being donated to the local Ukranian community.

After work, I went to visit Joe and then a quick visit to DGRI where I was pronounced healthy :-) and home for a walk before darkness fell.

D is cooking the tea tonight, so I'm relaxing and doing my blip while I wait..

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