
By maureen6002

The journey home ….

Monday continued ……..

We travel through the centre of the island, into grey skies but sultry temperatures; without bright sunshine, colours are more subdued, but landscapes and vegetation remain spectacular.  We remain amazed at how every inch of soil seems to be efficiently - and sympathetically- used. 

Reaching the north coast, we spend some time at Ponta Delgada, the sea grey rather than blue, the rolling waves churning it to an amazing contrasting turquoise. As always, I’m obsessed by photographing the waves, each one different. 

We continue east along the coast, stopping  at viewpoints for the last spectacular vistas of the coast, the clouds now thinning, filtered sunlight adding to the beauty. 
Then it’s a final stop off at Machico for a pre-flight meal by the sea. And so this year’s Madeira adventure comes to an end. 

The airport is as busy as we’d feared, and our flight is late - though not significantly. Still, when you’re arriving after midnight, any delay matters. We’re tired, and could do without the closure of the M56, necessitating a massive detour via the M60 and M6. That would be enough - but then we hit thick fog which persists until we reach Wales and the A55 - for once smooth and problem free. 

Tuesday …..

It’s 3.00am when we arrive home, so understandably Tuesday is a day for recovery - and those necessary post-holiday chores. I take no photos, but do upload and edit yesterday’s hoard - so please forgive a final set of island images. It’s been a wonderful two weeks; a trip abroad that was in doubt because of health issues has done me so much good I feel a different person! I just hope the improvement lasts! 

Thanks for following our latest journey and putting up with my self-indulgent overload of images - a trend which continues today! For my main, I’m torn between a shot of waves and the tiny figure of a farmer walking through his patchwork of crops - the latter winning as it’s G’s favourite. Then there are my final collages of Madeira…… 

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