
By MumOf4Wildlings


Well I kept the Jedi off nursery today. He's quite snotty and has a cough. 
The bigger wildlings went out to school no bother.  

The orthopaedic consultant I saw at the hospital is lovely.  I know him and his family and had his two sons in childcare a few years back. They just live in the neighbourhood over from us. We'll he says that the screws should be taking out but he has referred me to the big foot specialist who I will see in two weeks.  He said it wouldn't be a simple operation as the screws are nearly 30 years old. So I will wait and see what the big wig says. I did tell him I'm not going to be taking painkillers forever.  

I've managed to get a few things done around the house while the jedi has chilled out. But I am knackered.  I got up at half 3. The jedi was coughing and my foot hurt. But hey ho, I'm having some strong coffee to keep me awake until Mr R gets home. 

The big wildlings are starving so will make a early dinner. The jedi hasn't eaten much today. 

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