Hope Cove

Mucky old day really, but we had to do something - so went to Hope Cove.

Not sure when the family started coming here, but it was long before I was born (early 70s). This continued up until about 89. Every single year, down to south Devon. But by the mid 80s less of the family were doing the trip (more going abroad now) because of the horrible weather that we got most year.

Here it gets a bit foggy. I think the last family trip was 90. However, myself and a cousin decided to resurrect the Hope Cove holiday as a bank holiday weekend jaunt (August bank holiday), although it started at the beginning weekend of August in fact.

What spurred us on was that I now had a car! Yeehar!

After a couple of years, as cousins became of age to get themselves down their in their own car, the group got a bit bigger.

I bailed for personal reason in about 2007. I didn't really enjoy the weekend any more, and the company was as good as it could have been. The end of the weekend usually involved various people putting as much of their crap in my car as they could. I literally took a van on my final year - and they put all their shit in it when it was time to go home. Filled it up.

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