
By ayearinthelife

We’ve Only Just Begun

First rehearsal for Panto and, having the rare luxury of everybody present, we went for a group publicity shot. If this Panto is like all the others I’ve done, then we may not get a complete cast again until dress rehearsal! We are setting up an app where we can record all the rehearsal and performance dates and then note who might be absent. That way, the director can - hopefully - tailor rehearsals to make the best use of those who are there.
And though we have only just begun the process, ad-libs, insults and dodgy accents were very much evident as we worked our way through the script. We might need to fine tune a few scenes, and the director is keen to find more for a few characters (who only appear in the second half at the moment) to do.
But judging by the amount of laughs we had last night, this is going to be a fun show. And, if we’re enjoying ourselves, then we usually find that the audience has a good time as well.
January 2024 seems quite far off now, but the next three months are going to pass all too quickly, and it will be opening night before we know it. Best crack on with learning those lines…

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