
By ayearinthelife

Break The Rules

We went to see “Francis Rossi -Tunes and Chat” at Lancaster Grand last night. Many dire warnings about not filming or taking photos of the performance, but I reckoned I could risk trying to grab one when he was taking a bow at the end of the performance. Especially as he had someone on stage taking a picture of me at the same time (if you look at the inset picture [which I pinched from his FB page!], up in the balcony to the right - as you look at it - of the aisle, you can just about make out me and Mrs C, front row, 3rd & 4th seats in). As he said in the song “everybody has to sometimes break the rules”.
It was a great night. He is a natural raconteur, very amusing and easily distracted. He would quite often go off topic in the middle of a story if he thought of something else. And we got a lot of tunes. Basically, a history of Status Quo played acoustically, ably backed up by his guitar tech.
I’ve seen Status Quo live many times, but I do have to say that I prefer this sort of event. The smaller, more intimate, setting and the opportunity for him to tell some stories, all made for a much more relaxed, informal evening.
No let up in pace today though. A PT session to start the day and first Panto rehearsal tonight. And they say retirement means you can relax and take it easy…

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