Anni Mamundi

By An1ma

Department Store Sale, or….

… Minor Injuries Unit?

‘Falls’, says a poster on the wall, quite helpfully (with a little ironic smirk of stable doors and horses bolted already. Surely EVERYONE reading it here will have already fallen?!).

We were going to do some (really rare these days) window shopping at a big department store a good drive away.
However, before we set off Himself had a bit of a trip-up and, amongst various other bruises, cut his brow. He was sooo lucky that it wasn’t worse. Despite his stoic attitude, the bleeding was a bit persistent so we went to the minor injuries unit where he was stuck back together, but ‘without the bit of skin in the middle’ (!). I’m just hoping I’m not going to find that at any point :-/

(And… Was there ever a whisker of logic behind ‘vinegar and brown paper’, I wonder… anyone??).

Himself’s concession to the injury was not to do any gardening today. (If it had been me I’d be sitting on a silk cushion for at least a week).

I don’t like Department Stores anyway.

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