
One from yesterday as I didn't take any pictures today.

Day started slowly with OH going to feed the cat and to get his flu jab.  He was calling into Tesco to get some bread on his way back so I shouted down the stairs to get the nice sour dough loaf.  Back an hour later after I had been chatting to No.2 on the phone and he had got the wrong bread!!  Not sure why it went wrong but we ended up with a stupid argument along the lines 'why don't you ever listen............'  Silence for a few hours and he took himself off for a walk and I reflected on why I have become such a difficult argumentative old bag!   Harmony restored when he returned and we went to MIL house to do some sorting out.  We had planned a 'date day' but after three days away I was tired and the weather was not brilliant so day has been postponed.

We managed a few runs to the tip and the charity shop and the kitchen is now clear and only the  bedrooms left to clear.  Sad process when life's possessions end up in landfill.

Day done

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