A Day In The Life

By Irish59

Friday Fun

After an early appointment MrsP and I stopped in to browse our favorite bookstore then sat in their cafe and nibbled a blueberry scone. Before going in we agreed not to buy any books. Not today. Well, that declaration was short-lived because we left with four!! • On the way home we purchased a few bags of organic dehydrated cow manure for the garden which we’ll spread tomorrow. The product’s name is priceless: MooPoo :))) Of course we picked up a few treats for the birdies too • Oh, this dahlia is in our neighbor’s yard. I couldn’t resist. Did you know dahlias were originally classified as a vegetable? Me either! • They’re named after 18th century Swedish botanist Anders Dahl. He discovered the tubers were edible and tasted like a mix of potatoes and radishes! • Enjoy the weekend!

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