Today's the day

By sheilwill


Today's the day ...................... for an anniversary

I know I've said more than once, that this is the year of our 50th Wedding Anniversary - well today was the actual day.  And, despite the fact that the 13th October this year turned out to be a Friday(!), all has gone well and we've had a lovely day.

We went for lunch at The Globe in Dumfries - just six of us - sister Marj, brother Ron and sister-in-law Margaret, the two of us and Will's cousin Jane.  Every mouthful of food was delicious and every plateful was a work of art.  The above is my dessert - a mouth-watering combination of pear, banana, ginger crumb and lots of gooey-caramelly bits.

The anniversary has been well and truly celebrated .....................!  

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