Hanes personol a hanes lleol
Hanes personol a hanes lleol ~ Personal history and local history
"Partake in reality as an actor in a theatrical play: with attention, dedication and an open heart. But never believe yourself to be your character, for characters spend their lives chasing their own shadows, whereas actors embody the meaning of existence.”
― Bernardo Kastrup
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Roedd hi'n ddiwrnod gwlyb iawn heddiw - rydw i'n meddwl roedd hi'n bwrw glaw trwy’r dydd y cyfan. Roedd llyf r gyda Nor'dzin i ddychwel i'r llyfrgell felly er gwaetha’r tywydd es i allan i'r pentref i'r llyfrgell, i'r siopau, ac i fy mhererindod arferol o gwmpas y fynwent.
Mae'r fynwent lle pobl gyffredin yn gallu gadael rhywbeth personol ar ̈́eu hôl mewn cyhoedd, tipyn bach o hanes personol a hanes lleol hefyd. Mae'r arysgrif o dan yr angel hon yn darllen:
Sacred to the memory of Theodore Morgan Griffiths
the only and dearly beloved son of John and Charlotte Griffiths of
Tygwenith, Whitchurch
Born February 10 1895, died November 9 1909,
‘There shall be no more death, neither sorrow nor crying
neither shall there be any more pain.’
Dearly loved husband of Charlotte Griffiths,
who died April 2nd 1936, aged 75 years
‘at rest’
Roed y bobl yn byw mewn byd gwahanol i ni. Cafodd y plentyn ifanc ei eni (a bu farw) cyn y Rhyfel Byd Cyntaf. Roedd Yr Eglwys Newydd lle bach gyda meysydd agored a ffermydd o'i gwmpas.
Roedd rhaid i mi drio i ffeindio unrhyw olion o'u tŷ 'Tŷ Gwenith' a diolch i Restr o Leoedd Hanesyddol ffeindiais fe. Mae'n edrych fel roedd y tŷ ar beth sy'n nawr Pantmawr Road.
Ar y map rydych chi'n gallu newid rhwng y map 1910 a'r map modern. Mae'n ddiddorol iawn i weld y gwahaniaeth.
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It was a very wet day today - I think it rained all day. Nor'dzin had a book to return to the library so despite the weather I went out into the village to the library, to the shops, and to my usual pilgrimage around the cemetery.
The cemetery is where ordinary people can leave something personal behind them in public, a little bit of personal history and local history too. The inscription below this angel reads:
Sacred to the memory of Theodore Morgan Griffiths
the only and dearly beloved son of John and Charlotte Griffiths of
Tygwenith, Whitchurch
Born February 10 1895, died November 9 1909,
‘There shall be no more death, neither sorrow nor crying
neither shall there be any more pain.’
Dearly loved husband of Charlotte Griffiths,
who died April 2nd 1936, aged 75 years
‘at rest’
The people lived in a different world to us. The young child was born (and died) before the First World War. Whitchurch was a small place with open fields and farms around it.
I had to try to find any traces of their house 'Tŷ Gwenith' and thanks to The List of Historic Place Names I found it. It looks like the house was on what is now Pantmawr Road.
On the map you can switch between the 1910 map and the modern map. It is very interesting to see the difference.
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Disgrifiad (Cymraeg): Carreg fedd ac arysgrif (amlygiad dwbl)
Description (English): Gravestone and inscription (double exposure)
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