
By tridral


Nansi  ~ Nancy

“A photograph acquires something of the dignity which it ordinarily lacks when it ceases to be a reproduction of reality and shows us things that no longer exist.”
― Marcel Proust

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Rydw i'n siŵr gallwn i nodwedd un o fy ffotograffau fy mod i wedi sganio bob ddiwrnod ar Blipfoto. Rydw i'n meddwl bod pobl yn haeddu cael eu cofio. Ond dydw i ddim yn mynd i dangos hen ffotograff *bob dydd*, dim ond un nawr ac yn y man.

Dyma Nancy Stone (née Edgeworth) a'i ferch. Cafodd y ffotograff ei thynnu yn y pumdegau (rydw i'n meddwl). Dydw i ddim yn gwybod llawer am Nancy ac eithrio gwnaeth hi'n byw ar Richard's Street, Cathays, Caerdydd, drws nesa fy mam-gu.

Cefais i fy nharo gan yr eglurder o lygaid Nancy a'r mynegiant ar ei hwyneb hi. Rydw i'n meddwl roedd hi'n nabod y ffotograffydd. Rydw i'n dyfalu cafodd y ffotograff ei thynnu gan fy ewythr, ond dydw i ddim yn gwybod yn sicr.

Fel rydw i'n mynd trwy'r hen ffotograffau rydw i'n hapus i ffeindio bod rhywun wedi ysgrifennu rhywbeth defnyddiol ar y cefn, ond rydw i'n dymuno roedd fy mam dal yma i siarad am y ffotograffau ac yn dweud eu straeon.
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I'm sure I could feature one of my photographs that I've scanned every day on Blipfoto. I think people deserve to be remembered. But I'm not going to show an old photograph *every day*, just one now and then.

This is Nancy Stone (née Edgeworth) and her daughter. The photograph was taken in the fifties (I think). I don't know much about Nancy except that she lived on Richard's Street, Cathays, Cardiff, next door to my grandmother.

I was struck by the clarity of Nancy's eyes and the expression on her face. I think she knew the photographer. I'm guessing the photograph was taken by my uncle, but I don't know for sure.

As I go through the old photographs I am happy to find that someone has written something useful on the back, but I wish my mother was still here to talk about the photographs and tell their stories.
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Disgrifiad (Cymraeg): Hen ffotograff yn ystod proses sganio ar y cyfrifiadur
Description (English): An old photograph during the scanning process on the computer
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