After the recent days of torrential rain it was a delight to get out this morning and head down to the Nature Reserves on the Somerset Levels.
It is currently bearded tit season, so there were a lot of other photographers staring into the reeds with me this morning. At one stage I counted over 30 within view of me. Most of them will have been disappointed though, because the beardies are not yet coming to the tops of the seed heads, although they do now seem to be eating seeds. This morning's slightly breezy conditions also made it more difficult. Generally I was only seeing birds buried in the reed beds, through gaps in the reeds with a fairly busy background - so not ideal for getting a clear shot, I've put up an extra as a record of this morning's activities.
It's not a great shot, there's too much between me and the bird. The buzzard, on the other hand, was a gift, swooping in low to see what I was up to.
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