Flowerpower's journal

By Flowerpower


I've had a productive day at school with some fun times with friends and then I headed home for a quick change before going out for a work out with a friend. I jumped around, cycled, lifted weights and generally worked up a sweat before heading over to another friends for a quick cuppa. It's been a busy couple of hours since leaving work but lovely to catch up with people.

I have received confirmation that I have a place in the Wolfrun in September which is a 10km assault course. I ran it in April and loved it, so I am thrilled that I will be able to experience it all over again. It was mud-tastic! I have 12 weeks to get back to running and prepare for the obstacles that await me.....:-)

A bit of an emergency blip tonight - I spotted these two pigeons canoodling on a gravestone. They seemed very much in love (or whatever the bird equivalent is!).

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