It's A Minute To Midnight

By Draco

First Shot with Laowa 90mm x2 Z Mount Lens

My new lens came today. The Lichen is called  
Xanthoria parietina
This is the first shot when the Z8 was hooked up to it with a flash and cygnustech diffuser and a raynox 250, the image fills the frame.  All thanks to the wicked service from a place I've never bought gear from before. Carmarthen Cameras, to cut a long story short I wrote to two companies but Carmarthen lowered the price to match a company that was out of stock when I had reached my money saved goal. They got it to me the very next day. I spoke to a lovely guy named Andy, a dry sense of humour he had! Made me chuckle. 

Ill be buying off them again! 
I highly recommend them.

Extras are my new member of the family. 


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