
By AlrightFlower


... for my absinthe, I have a note around here somewhere *rummage rummage*...

I saw this on the way back to the car this afternoon - tucked away behind the student union. I love the way the pale head peeks out from the lush, green carpet of ivy, then you notice the back of is missing and there's more plant life inside. It's by one of our art students and I think it was called something like disintegrating thoughts, or disintegrating dreams. My memory's shocking, I tell you talking of disintegrating minds... Honestly though, there's some great stuff on campus around corners and tucked in places. We've even got a small "sun loving wildflower meadow" which is really pretty - that's for a sunny day though!

Anyway, the reason I was walking that way was because I actually got a parking space near campus today woo hoo! In part because term has ended and therefore many academics are "working on research at home", and in part because I was at work ridiculously early today - no-one who works during the day should be in the office by 6.50am. Unfortunately though, I am in the middle of my annual week of photocopying hell - 14 lever arch files' worth of paper - which makes me a grumpy gussie even though I know it's coming up. This year's saving grace is that it will hopefully be the last time I need to do it. I need to talk to my boss about an idea I've had involving iPads - I think it's a cracking idea, but then I've been dying to get my hands on one of those babies for ages! We'll see :-)

I also went to York College tonight for an open evening - the place was surprisingly quiet and the receptionist looked at me very kindly, like I was some senile old lady, and perhaps suggested that it was on 12 July, not June. D'oh, I thought, senile indeed. We laughed - yes, she was laughing with me, not at me - and I left, sharpish. Sat in the car and found the email, which did indeed say 12 June. I went back inside and we deduced that I'd actually turned up nearly and hour late, and everyone had sort of gone home... In my defence, I had a pounding headache when I got home, so I'd laid down for a while with some quiet music and soothing eye lotion. Oh, and I hadn't read the email properly ;-)

Fortunately the tutors were still around, so I got 20 minutes with John, one of them. It's an expensive course, and I'd have to buy safety boots, but he was so engaging and enthusiastic that I may well do it. And who knows, bricklaying might turn out to be my thing!


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