Waiting for sausage

Scout did a great job of cuddling with me this morning so I ended up getting up quite a bit later than I should have. So…
Took Scout out for a quick walk then picked Jodie up to come swimming with us.
Just Leslie, Cathie and I at the cafe for breakfast. Met a Canadian lady who is here on holiday, staying on our street!
Ended up with Cathie taking her home and Leslie and I going to Linda’s to sit in the hot tub for about an hour.
Again the weather was beautiful. The water temp was down to 7.6. I put a rash vest on. It was cold but I didn’t feel too cold in the water and did about three loops. But my fingers were getting cold. I think it might be time for winter gloves. My new boots are still doing quite well although I can feel the edge on my ankle when I swim.
Another lady who was walking by with her two friends asked if she could join us on our swim as she had a swimsuit in her bag. Of course we were happy for her to join and she was soooo excited! Her friends were happy to sit and watch.
I like when the random person basing by decides to join in!
Once home pottered and played with the dogs. We had a fun game of three way tug of war and Scout was growling with a reall rolling rumble! It made me laugh.
Anytime I let go and left the two of them to play, Scout would come over with the rope and nudge me to play. :)
Walked into town with the pooches to pick up a couple thing’s particularly dinner.
Had a cuppa. Took Jodie home (with another quick walk for both). Visited for a little while. Home. Made dinner and sorted Evan’s package and washing. Combed Scout.
Not a bad day! In fact… quite a good day. :D

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