
By WeeChris

Radiograph of an asthmatic cat

This radiograph, and its sisters who accompanied it, were not taken by me but by a vet who referred a coughing cat with severe breathing difficulties.

The radiograph is highly suggestive of severe asthma with flattening of the diaphragm which is drawn very far back, wide costo-phrenic angles and a consolidated right middle lung lobe. The cat had a normal respiratory rate but very prolonged expiration accompanied by loud wheezes, squeaks and crackles. Asthma is not common in cats but can be life-threatening. Sadly there are no definitive tests for use in practice so the diagnosis is a presumptive clinical one. If the cat responds well to treatment that would be good supportive evidence.

The short bright sausage shape towards the top right is a microchip.

Sorry it's a bit grainy: film original but photographed with my iPhone.

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