
By fennerpearson

'Stop Making Sense' / The Paul Farr Band

I think the first time I saw 'Stop Making Sense' on the big screen was in the mid-eighties, when I was at university in Liverpool. I guess it must have been when it was first released.

If I'm honest, I wasn't wildly impressed, mainly because I had yet to really embrace guitar music. But I got into the band via Brian Eno's involvement and, specifically, the album 'Remain In Light'. From there it was just a small step to revisiting the concert movie.

Once I had it on VHS and, later, DVD, I would watch it maybe once or twice a year, until a couple of years ago, when I wanted to watch it with Dan on the projector at home and I had an issue with the DVD, so I paid to stream it on Amazon, and the quality was loads better. Gratifyingly, Dan loved it.

Recently, the film has been remastered and is currently making a limited run around cinemas in the UK, and this evening I went along to see it at Home with Simon. Amazingly, he'd never seen it before, so I had the joy of watching it through his eyes. 

The remastering is excellent, and it was fantastic to see it on the big screen again after nearly forty years.

And then, after that, we walked over to Matt and Phred's to meet my guitar tutor, Paolo, who had recommended we come to see Paul Farr playing.

The band was very good, and I was amazed to learn that the bassist had never played with them before. The drummer, Luke Flowers, was particularly impressive.

Simon left after the first set, but then the Minx joined us, rounding off a very pleasant evening of music.

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