
By Woolley

Fisherman’s wharf

Spent the morning at the tennis club with the pompom group, making pom-poms to replace the current pompom arch, photograph at a later date! I made a small one and a bigger one and I also knitted a flower of sorts! There are many more to make! There were nine people there but not much output!

Later on I walked across town to the vue cinema to see the Great Escaper, the early showing at 5.05 as that meant that John would not fall asleep. It was a lovely gentle film with real emotional depth and fabulous performances by Michael Caine and Glenda Jackson as husband and wife both over 90 in a home displaying the amazing resilience that some older people have! It is well worth seeing! There are two more free tickets that John has to use before the end of October so we wil go and see The Haunting in Venice!

This picture was taken as I walked past along the path by Sutton Harbour!

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