LA9 to CA95010 and back..

By LA9toCA95010

Aptos Women's 5-Mile Race

I think these ladies might have been overdoing the illegal training additives a little.
(Poor quality photo, but I was in pre-race panic..."have I got time to go to the toilet again, why won't the app on my phone start, why does absolutely everyone look like they're fitter than me even when they're in drag, why did this ever seem like a good idea...oh crap oh crap oh crap...")

Late afternoon, R and I drove J to the San Francisco airport. He's flying back to the UK for a work thing and R and I are following in eight days, to attend the wedding of friends.

I've had mixed feelings all along about returning. It doesn't seem like almost six months since we arrived, and there still seems like so many places to go from here (Hawaii, for goodness sake!). I'm still looking forwards and not ready to "go back".

But now that it's nearly here, I am excited about seeing friends.

Put the kettle on girls!

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