
By scottrhale


Today was a mixed bag. We found out Mindy was not selected for the position she applied for. Another internal candidate ended up getting the job, they had just finished interning in the same department and knew the procedures so it makes sense but it still stings nonetheless. It somehow still surprises me how disappointed I feel when Mindy gets rejected.
On the flip side I got a decent offer from the job I applied for at IBM. The money will be a little better and I will be shadowing the lead architect with the hopes of taking over that role when she retires in 2 years. I’ve worked on the product before so I know what I’m getting into… I just also know how hard her shoes are going to be to fill. She’s quite organized and I bring more of a chaotic energy and tend to get things done in fits and starts.

No photo today. This one is from the weekend in Chapel Hill.

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