
By Houseonahill6

Monarch of the Glen

Another great sunrise and bright start to the day so we decided to fill a flask , grab some lunch and head for Glen Strathfarrar . This would be our last chance to go this year as the road through is closed from the end of October until April.
The man opened the gate for us. Many locks attached which must belong to the few houses and maybe the Postie so they do not have to disturb the gate keepers.
A stunning drive with mirror like lochs. The silver birch were at their best with their golden leaves. We could hear the deer roaring on the hillside. My favourite trees are still there. I walkways wonder if they have made it through the Winter.
I spotted some feral goats hiding in the bracken , very well camouflaged , I did not realise there were so many
We drove over the dams to the end of the road and had our lunch. Rolls from Harry Gows.
A few rain showers produced some rainbows.
I saw this very handsome stag sitting quietly with a few other stags. You can see a few pieces of snow on the mountains behind him.
A good day out :)

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