
By Houseonahill6


Again a lovely sunrise which would have been my blip but the forecast was so good that we ventured down another Glen. This time we went down Strathconon .Another beautiful drive in the sunshine. The lochs were so still as you can see with beautiful reflections. We parked at the end of the road and had our lunch watching deer behind us. Two stags chased each other along the deer fence trying to find a way to get to the females behind it. They just wandered up the hill and out of sight. A buzzard landed on a telegraph pole and two golden eagles flew above the nearest mountain.
We saw three roe deer near the waterfall. They ran off into the broken. One stopped and peered through looking at me :)
A nice walk along the water , no jackets required.Silent except for the birds and the roaring deer.
We stopped at loch Kinellan for a quick look on the way home. The coots we’re having an argument. Two swans disappeared round the corner and golden eye and tufted duck called to each other.
We treated ourselves the a Black Isle icecream from the little shop in Strathpeffer. Then on to see the physio.. I have some exercises for my knees and we talked about a referral to take things further, yikes. She was not sure what was wrong with my arm, possibly a radial nerve injury so I have exercises for that too. She’s also booked me in for some more physio in the Pool :)
The day ended with a stunning sunset :)

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