Bluebell Heaven...
Bluebells are my absolute favourite flower and I love that we have a little patch of them in the garden. I think they are Spanish bluebells rather than native bluebells but they'll do for me :)
The weather forecast for today was rubbish but so far it's been lovely. I've decided to ditch looking at BBC weather / Metcheck/Accuweather etc and just look out the window instead. Seems a more accurate way of doing things!
I'm supposed to be transferring flowers and plants into planters this afternoon but they're all on the newly cleaned decking so not going to throw loose soil around on it! David will need to move all the heavy compost bags and planters off the decking when he comes home and I'll do it then. Weather permitting of course.
Tesco delivery arrived but I need to do a separate shopping list now as I've started buying all my fruit & veg from the local greengrocer and meat from the local butcher. Huge difference in quality and price. So much better.
Putting my feet up for five to listen to THIS. Can't believe it's nearly 30 years old!!!
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