
By Hamp5on

Sea Swirls

Poor Nate was up very early morning with an upset tummy, and ended up not being able to go to school. He's had a very up and down day. Not sure if he ate something he's intolerant to, or if it's a bug from school. We got some fresh air, actually a lot of fresh air as it was so hugely windy today!! Loved the swirls on the top of the sea because of it. We also saw that the town hall have opened up a new pathway in Dalt Vila, so we wandered up there and got a view we've never had before (extra). Felt a bit odd but nice that after almost 10 years we saw a different perspective of our much loved town!
I met Todd for lunch which was utterly lovely. Good to have some soul chat with him. Then from there went to the Deep Dive group. This month we were looking at connections and impact. The guy facilitating this month had set us a challenge to contact someone we don't know hugely well, and thank them for the impact they've made on us.... Cue a truly uplifting afternoon as everyone shared how their people had made a difference in their lives... We all left feeling really lit up. A beautiful time spent connecting more with each other.
Home and poor Nate wasn't too great. We were meant to have people over for dinner but decided to postpone... Hoping and praying an early night will sort him out.

Today I'm grateful for;
1) A day of connection with different people - including a neighbour from our old building. She's a new abuela so I got to meet her baby granddaughter.
2) Walking and talking with Nate. He was in an 'up' part of the day - he's such good company.
3) A good chat with Mitch this evening. Still no news for him though. 

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