
By Hamp5on

The Arnolds

Lovely lovely lovely to meet up with Stephen and Gemma, and the 5 Arnolds who are here on holiday. We roasted the chickens and veg we were going to cook them all last night, and took it to The Tree to eat in baguettes. It was brilliant to catch up with Tim and Becky and the 3 boys - they lived here as part of 24-7 Ibiza for 4 years and left 2 years ago. Now living back in Manchester. We had a great time catching up on what's been going on since we last saw them.

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Danny going shopping for me for a lunch tomorrow where everything has to be from the island. He and the guy at the veg stall had a good laugh together apparently!
2) Time with Tim and Becky - it felt like they'd never left.
3) Nate being recovered enough for the postponed time together.

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