Flower Friday. : : Decorative Kale
Not exactly a flower, but it might as well be. It is prettier than most of what is left in our garden at this time of year. Our very hot weather of yesterday didn't repeat itself today and I was able to walk around the garden and admire John's work planting cover crops of fava beans in the raised beds. They are already beginning to sprout. I sat on the porch for awhile but, alas, the yellowjackets haven't quite gone yet and they seem to be attracted to me. One buzzed around my head so persistently that I had to come indoors.
Once again we were the only ones at Cafe Frida today. We had to detour around stopped traffic and didn't get there until Gail was leaving for an appointment. Bob was fixing shingles on his garage roof without help from Dan who was at home recovering from foot surgery on Tuesday. He has been confined to barracks with a knee high cast after what was billed as surgery to fuse his big toe. The doctor told him she didn't want him messing up her work. I think she has his number, as it is almost impossible for him to sit still for long. Tobi must have decided to stay home to keep an eye on him!
Will and Chloe's quilt is finished, though I still have to piece together the backing which should have been about a half yard longer. I've put the picture of it in extras although the reduced scale doesn't show it at its best. This is also the problem when ordering fabrics online instead of being able to look at them.
As for the war in Israel and Gaza, I would like to believe that Biden went there to try and use some diplomacy to calm things down. The fact that someone bombed a hospital in Gaza caused all the Palestinian players to withdraw in protest turned it into a one-sided meeting with Netanyahu, who, in my opinion, doesn't deserve the full support he appears to be getting from Biden. I don't think we should be supplying the world with arms, any more than I think we should tolerate US citizens arming themselves with automatic weapons. A San Diego 9th Circuit judge just shot down the California automatic weapons ban, stating that 'there were no automatic weapons when the 2nd amendment was written, therefore it was unconstitutional to deny them to law abiding citizens wanting to defend themselves.' Another Trump appointed judge using irrational logic.
John got off more lightly from the dermatologist than I did, though she proposed a different kind of 'blue light' treatment 2x/week for four weeks. She seems quite convinced that some kind of light treatment is going to help with his eczema.
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